воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

band comeback kid

I am in need of a relatively cheap DSLR. Rather, I am in want, which is significantly greater than need because I am wiling to justify and pursue the interest. The newest camera with hundreds of features Iapos;d enjoy is not currently going to be possible, so Iapos;m looking for something older, necessarily under $1000. Who can suggest something or at least point me at a good place to shop?

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antecedentes de la independencia de mexico

HK Trip

12 - 15 December

Flights booked, hotels pending; weapos;re waiting for The Cityview to get back to us but it should be no problem XD

No more atas outings for awhile for some of us, but weapos;ll bring home beautiful things from HK so bear with us Coming Saturday - Sungei Road trip and Gossip Girl Marathon yaaayyyy. Letapos;s buy food up to Marcusapos;s place. Iapos;m bringing my homework XD

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farm manager jobs

Hey guys just a quick update before tomorrow. I have found myself splitting my Journal between private entrys, friends and open ones because of a change in a personal situation that has brought out the idea that these are one of those things that would benefit of just getting it all out of my head by writing it down. I think its a good idea and has generated some positive results, only until I level off the balance between private and open, I guess the open entries are going to be a little thin on the ground. I�try to comment on friends journal entries when�I can, and still float around LJ very regularly so there is certainly no slack off.

activity adolescent criminal risk, farm manager jobs, farm manager needed, farm manager position, farm manager position ranch texas wanted.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

activity adjective

Name five...

... Things you canapos;t live without.

a) iPod
b) cellphone
c) pizza
d) coffee
e) love

... Of the best moments in your life.

a) August 2, 2002--when I graduated from college
b) November 26, 2001--when I finally walked away from a horrible relationship.
c) May 10, 2005--when I got to see Bono up close and personal.
d) October 11-13, 2008--when I got to see my girl up close and even more personal.
e) hasnapos;t happened yet.

... Celebrities you canapos;t stand.

a) Paris Hilton
b) Tom Cruise
c) anyone from any of those teenybopper TV shows
d) anyone from reality TV
e) Jessica Alba

... Books you enjoy(ed) reading.

a) The Flanders Panel by Arturo Perez-Reverte
b) Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
c) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling
d) Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
e) Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher

... Items in your purse/backpack/on your desk.

a) wallet
b) checkbook
c) notepad
d) pack of Trident
e) security card for work

communication styles questionnaire, activity adjective, activity adjective adverb fun, activity adjective online, activity adjective teaching use when.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

chicago musical tour 2005

Iapos;m throwing myself a birthday party tomorrow. I figured that since Iapos;m going to be 30 I should be able to deal with having a few people over... I HATE hosting get togethers. *shrug*� I told a couple of my girls that theyapos;re in charge of hosting. I�honestly have no idea how many people will show up or how it will go... I guess if it sucks weapos;ll just move the party down town.

That, or Iapos;ll drown my sorrows in the chocolate fountain

p.s. Iapos;m SUPER�addicted to Kings of Leon. Sooooooooo awesome

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